Al Jamiatul Islamia Kashemul Ulume
House # 14, Block # D, Road # 02, Mohanagar Project, West Rampura, Dhaka-1219
A gentle request to you
Aassalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
Muhtaram, Your well known beloved Institute Al Jamiatul Islamia Kashemul Ulume in Block D, Road 02, Mohanagar Project, West Rampura is established in 18th June, 2015 (1st Ramadan in 1436 Hizri). This Madrasha is provided the education of Moktob, Hifzul Quran to Meshkat Jamat for the students in very disciplined way. From this Madrasha One hundred and fifty (150) students are completed Hifzul Quran. Presently two hundred students are study here and from these, thirty(30) students are orphan and rest of them are come from very poor family.


Al kinds of educational and living cost are spent by the institute. The institute has no permanent land so that its activities are maintained by monthly house rent basis. As a result the institute faces different kinds of problem. It is hardly in need a permanent campus to make the institute ideal, authentic and modernize. Alhamdulilla, You will be glad to know that we have taken step to buy 10 Katha of land at Bagichartech area near Mohanagar Project, West Rampura for permanent campus of the institute.
Each Katha of land with registration cost will be BDT Fifty(50) lac. Each square feet of land with registration cost will be BDT seven thousand.
Request for become a land donor as lifetime membership
For a student living and study cost equal 15 square feet of land value will be BDT 105,000.00
One Jaynamaz as 8 square feet of land value will be BDT 56,000.00
To pay above two types of donation, you will become a lifetime member as a land donor and you will receive a lifetime membership certificate from the Institute.


The Almighty Allah gives us the ability to achieve for donation to the institute.
Without above that you can contribute to donate one square feet of land value will be BDT 7,000.00 as per your ability.
Bank Account of the Madrasha:
Kashemul Ulum Madrasha & Orphanage
With best regards
Al-Arafah Islami Bank, Rampura Branch
Account No. 1051120015963
Founder principal of the Madrasha
Bkash/Rocket/Nagod A/c No. 01912293789
Khatib- Mohanagar Baitun-noor Jame Mosjid
Mobile: 01912 293789